Cleo® Products

Our Cleo® Product Groups continue to address the complex issues facing our customers by delivering innovative, quality products that provide the benefits demanded by users

Our Electronic Commerce Group's 3780Plus® package remains the preferred batch file transfer solution for electronic commerce, with over 100,000 systems installed worldwide. We specialize in file transfer solutions for the PC, mid-range computer, and mainframe communications, offering high performance computer-to-computer communications solutions for synchronous communications on a wide variety of platforms and operating systems.

Our Cleo A+ä asynchronous communications package, with its powerful scripting capability and multi-platform support allows customers, especially 3780Plus users, to migrate quickly and easily to an asynchronous environment and begin taking advantage of the increasing popularity of the Internet.

Our Enterprise Networking Group continues to simplify host-to-LAN connectivity by bringing leading edge, focused, SNA gateway capability to the SCO UNIX environment. The Cleo SNA Server takes full advantage of UNIX based platforms to provide products that are easy to install, easy to configure, very high in performance, scaleable, and reliable.

Our split-stack client/server architecture for SNA and TCP/IP wide area networks addresses a wide range of application configurations ranging from low-end single systems with asynchronous attached terminals to high-end solutions consisting of multiple servers with hundreds of LAN attached PCs.


To view copies of our data sheets, select the appropriate link(s) below, or if you would like copies of actual data sheets, please e-mail or call Interface Marketing Communications and the requested information will be sent directly to you.

Cleo® Electronic Commerce Products 
The preferred IBM 2780/3780 BSC RJE Communications Solution
Easy, High-speed 
Asynchronous File Transfer
Synchronous Communications via System's Asynchronous Ports
 Communications with multiple computers 


To: Cleo Enterprise Networking Products



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